 Métis sash is a symbol of nationhood, cultural distinction, pride, and identity. Each color has a meaning. Red is for the blood that was shed through the years while fighting for rights. Blue is for the depth of our spirits. Green is for the fertili
 Sweetgrass is one of the sacred medicines used in prayer, smudging and in ceremony. The smoke from burning dried, braided sweet grass draws in positive energy whilst clearing the negative, purifying us. The smoldering smoke carries our prayers, thou
 Medicine wheel is the sacred hoop; a circle of awareness of the individual self which holds knowledge that represents the balance of the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual realities. The medicine wheel represents the interconnectivity of all
 Bow and arrow was a complex technology essential for the survival of Indigenous people, both for hunting and making war. Each element of the bow, arrows and the quiver were comprised of raw materials. It was a fearsome weapon; this powerful missile
 Sage is another sacred medicine used for ceremony, which holds teachings that offer strength, wisdom, and clarity of purpose. Sage cleanses our eyes to see the truth around us, our mouth so that all we speak will be truthful, our ears to hear the sp
 Medicine pipe, the greatest spiritual power, is an essential key in ceremony. By smoking the holy pipe, you are bound by truth. The pipe ceremony is a sacred ritual for connecting physical and spiritual worlds. The pipe is a link between the earth a
 Teepee is our sacred dwelling that holds traditional teachings within each element of the structure. The door faces East to allow morning prayers to travel toward the rising sun. The four main poles are the embodiment of the four realities: physical
 Drum, the heartbeat of Mother Earth, is a constant reminder of our responsibility towards Mother Earth. The beating of the drum helps us listen to our soul so that we can understand our purpose and our connection to each other in the Circle of Life.
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